Wine Magic

A Brief History of Wine:

Archeologically, the earliest documentation of wine’s existence is from areas in present-day Russia, Iran, and Italy around 4000BCE. New World wine (what we would consider as wine today), is mainly connected to later Spanish traditions in New Spain.

Wine is an beverage made from the juice of grapes. Today, as in yesteryear, Wine may also be made from other sources. Though known by those historically, wine was not consumed in its current, form, until man first created the bottle and cork at the end of the 1600’s.

Wine has always been here, it will always be here! It has always used as a standard beverage in all cultures. Wine sealed bargains, toasted occasions, celebrated with friends, and complemented important meals. Curiously, wine occupies the same place in our lives today. Wine holds a unique designation as a food, a culinary enhancer, and, as a social “lubricant”.


When you are lucky enough to have True Fine Wines, add family and friends and a good meal and you create “Wine Magic“. When these three things will come together, it is so Cosmic that words alone cannot explain It, once again you create Wine-Magic. Taste and experience what it is to really appreciate the MAGIC that wine adds to our lives. We will provide education about this topic Because it is something so primal to the quality of our lives and the enjoyment of your fabulous wines.

It is all About a Knowledge of Wine Right? Watch this and receive a brief Primer about Wine and its benefits. After you have viewed this short video, you will feel more comfortable about the benefits of Wine and how it can enhance your life:

wine magic
  1. Truly Fine Wines: These are not something you can easily just go and get. Firstly; they are Expensive (when Buying Retail). $125 and up a bottle. While You may get lucky and select a terrific wine, we have a more advanced method. The above video introduced to our solution to the selection dilemma you are currently in. Enroll in this Wine of the Month Club and know that you will only be receiving Truly Fine Wines.
  2. Incredible Pairings for those Truly Fine Wines: This is where the Tastes and Experiences of Wine and Food are going to be Cosmic. It will never, ever get old. Adults can learn and pass on their knowledge to the next generation. This is a learned skill that can augment everyone’s life and enjoyment of wine. (Keep reading for More on Food and Wine Pairings).
  3. Company of our Fellows: You will think of many situations that can call for and be enhanced by wine. A small get together of friends or family. Or, for you to enjoy a glass of delicious wine over a lovely meal, and finally….to celebrate a milestone or historic event.

We have gone to great lengths to include in this exclusive club, wines that will only be made the way that the finest vintners in the world craft their wines. These vintners are the ones who supervise Growing the grapes, (in accordance with the most cherished traditions), Pressing the grapes, Blending and Ageing the wine “Slurry” (the unfermented juice of the grapes) and finally, Bottling and Ageing the wine. There are no additives, sulfites or other preservatives used in their preparation. These are some of Natures’ fullest bodied, softest, most flavorful wines you will ever drink.

How do you acquire Truly Superior Wines?

True Fine Wines: These are not something most people will actually go out and get . Firstly; they are Expensive (when Buying Retail). $125-$200 and up a bottle. Second; while at a liquor store, you do not have a wine “EXPERT” assisting you. A bottle of this wine can be an expensive risk! This “HIT OR MISS” method may or may not work for you, it . We have a Better Way, as outlined in the above video. Your wines are always curated by an expert member of the vineyards’ staff who knows that wine like it was his/her child. Enroll in this Wine of the Month Club and know that you will only be receiving True Fine Wines.

Today, Unlike other groups offering wine, we provide all of the following:

  1. A full set of Tasting Notes for each bottle of wine including food suggestions for pairing the wine
  2. A “Meet Your Maker Video” from the vintner describing each bottle
  3. Discounts (on the already discounted price) when you purchase additional 1/2 or full cases of a vintage that you just have to have more of
  4. A referral program that allows you to get your wine for FREE!

Wines that Go With This?

you will enjoy this suggested menu with any of the True Fines Wines you will Receive from our Incredible “True Fine Wines” Wine of the Month Club;

In this case make this a really fine experience, You should start out with the “More Than Muse” or “Tanya Ricord Rose'”. Best to start with a “light” wine and move your tasting forward towards the more full bodied wines:

  • The Ricord Merlot
  • The Walker Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Adding to it, the Horn Cabernet Franc .

These wines are all superior. You will want to Share these wines with your fellows.

You should set up these favorites so that they are appetizing. You will want to have an assortment of cheeses (some firm, some soft, and some semi-soft) and two or more types of crackers or bread. Subsequently, you can create a beautiful design around the cheeses with your fruit and melons. (cantelope, honey dew, casaba melon, apples and pears). But, Be sure not to use any acidic foods such as citrus.

  • When: Saturdays at 9am PST / 10am MST / 11am CST / Noon EST
  • Where: On Zoom. Meeting ID: 267 159 642 / Or Go Here.
  • Be Ready for Education and Food and Wine Pairings (New Ones Every Saturday). And be able to see the Online Community that is all about creating Wine Magic for Everyone!

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